Figure 2.
A, Relative scan SNR (colorscale) achievable in a fixed acquisition time over a range of flip angles and acquisition bandwidths for a 3D SPGR acquisition sequence. Scan SAR (shown in the vertical axis) was limited to local and torso SAR limits of 10 W/kg by extension of scan repetition time. SAR isolines highlight positions of 2, 4, and 10 W/kg. B, Relative scan SNR (colorscale) achievable over a range of excitation B1 values (x‐axis) with optimal (shortest achievable) TR for SAR = 2, 4, and 10 W/kg. The point at which maximum SNR is reached is marked (×) for each SAR level; SAR, specific absorption rate; SNR, signal‐to‐noise ratio; SPGR, spoiled gradient echo; TR, repetition time