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. 2019 Sep 14;19(18):3973. doi: 10.3390/s19183973
Algorithm 4 Optimisation based on GA algorithm
  • 1:
    Generate Solutions. Build a set of PopSize P solution
  • 2:
    Reformulation of solutions. Selection of a local search method to each solution in P
  • 3:
    while number of evaluations < MaxEval do
  • 4:
    tschedi introduction to P. Evaluation of solution in P and update
  • 5:
     Probability of survival based on the quality of the solution
  • 6:
    P solution is partially selected to apply the mutation and crossover operation
  • 7:
     Number of evaluation ++
  • 8:
     Constraint validate P for each tschedi. Discard solutions which are disqualified
  • 9:
    end while