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. 2019 Sep 27;6:2054358119878719. doi: 10.1177/2054358119878719

Table 2.

Baseline Demographics of HD Patients Split by the Presence of Atrial Fibrillation.

No AF AF All P value
n 5073 429 5502
Median age (IQR), years 64.6 [23.9] 70.9 [15.8] 65.1 [23.3] <.0001
Female (%) 2114 [41.67] 157 [36.6] 2271 [41.3] .04
Primary renal diagnosis (%)
 Glomerulonephritis 729 [14.4] 63 [14.7] 792 [14.4] .83
 Interstitial disease 1081 [21.3] 76 [17.7] 1157 [21.0] .08
 Multisystem 1245 [24.5] 111 [25.9] 1356 [24.7] .56
 Diabetes 1104 [21.8] 79 [18.4] 1183 [21.5] .11
 Other 907 [17.9] 97 [22.6] 1004 [18.3] .02
 Missing 7 [0.1] 3 [0.7] 10 [0.2]
Urban rurality status (%)
 Urban 770 [15.2] 57 [13.3] 827 [15.0]
 Rural 4303 [84.8] 372 [86.7] 4675 [85.0] .32
Deprivation status (%)
 Least (SIMD quintiles 3-5) 3672 [72.4] 309 [72.0] 3981 [72.4]
 Most (SIMD quintiles 1 and 2) 1401 [27.6] 120 [28.0] 1521 [27.6] .87
Past medical history (%)
 AF 0 429 [100] 429 [7.8] <.0001
 Ischemic heart disease 1678 [33.1] 234 [54.6] 1912 [34.8] <.0001
 Stroke 193 [3.8] 40 [9.3] 233 [4.2] <.0001
 Diabetes 1773 [35.0] 147 [34.3] 1920 [34.9] .79
 Hypercholesterolemia 679 [13.4] 66 [15.4] 745 [13.5] .27
 Obesity 339 [6.7] 38 [8.9] 377 [6.9] .07
 Smoking 314 [6.2] 17 [4.0] 331 [6.0] .07
 Hypertension 3575 [70.5] 345 [80.4] 3920 [71.3] <.0001
Clinical variables, median (IQR)
 SBP, mm Hg 139.0 [29.0] 132.3 [31.8] 138.5 [29.0] <.0001
 DBP, mm Hg 71.0 [19.0] 68 [18.3] 71 [18.5] <.01
 Weight, kg 72.6 [23.8] 72.8 [22.0] 72.6 [23.6] .92
 Use of ESA 3765 [74.2] 277 [64.6] 4042 [73.5] <.0001
Laboratory variables, median (IQR)
 Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.4 [1.8] 11.5 [1.8] 11.4 [1.8] .15
 Serum albumin, g/L 37.0 [7.0] 36.5 [7.0] 37.0 [7.0] .05
 Serum phosphate, mmol/L 1.47 [0.56] 1.50 [0.54] 1.47 [0.56] .02
 Serum adjusted calcium, mmol/L 2.35 [0.19] 2.36 [0.21] 2.36 [0.20] .71
 Urea reduction ratio 71.5 [9.0] 70 [9] 71.5 [8.5] .13
Stroke cases 318 [6.3] 45 [10.5] 363 [6.6] <.01
Death at follow-up 3087 [60.9] 393 [91.6] 3480 [63.3] <.0001

Note. Mann-Whitney U or chi-square test is applied, when comparing HD with transplant and PD with transplant. AF = atrial fibrillation; IQR = interquartile range; SIMD = Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation; SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; ESA = erythropoietin-stimulating agent; HD = hemodialysis.