FIG. 1.
Forest plot of the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients by HCV related phenotype—response to peg-IFN-α and Ribavirin treatment (IFNRB_SVR) or to DAA treatment (DAA_SVR) and viral load [log10(PTVL)]. Top panel: linear regression for continuous variables. Bottom panel: logistic regression for binary variables. Effect size is given as beta (and 95% CI) for continuous variables and OR and 95% CI for binary variables. Filled squares represent the HCV Research UK cohort and unfilled squares the BOSON cohort. P values are indicated when significant in a univariate test (<0.05). CI, confidence interval; eRVR, extended RVR; EVR, early virologic response; HCV, hepatitis C virus; OR, odd ratio; peg-IFN-α, pegylated interferon alpha; PTVL, pretreatment viral load; RVR, rapid virologic response; SVR, sustained virologic response.