Individual terpenes contribute differentially to terpene mixture-induced calcium responses. a-l. HEK-TRPV1 were loaded with Fluo-4 and population-based calcium assays were conducted in the presence of 1mM external calcium. After a matched vehicle exposure (veh) period to establish a baseline, cells were stimulated at 20 s with the indicated terpenes (a. all terpenes, 10 μM; b-l. indicated terpene at 10 μM). m. Summary of a-l. Area under the curve analyses were performed followed by Student’s t-test. P-value relative to vehicle: Caryophyllene, Limonene, Bisabolol, Linalool, Humulene, Pinene, Camphene, Ocimene; p > 0.05. Myrcene, p = 0.00055. Nerolidol, p = 0.002. n. Relative contribution of Myrcene compared to response to mixture of all Terpenes. o. Area Under the Curve (AUC) analysis comparing Myrcene alone, Terpene mixture, and Terpene mixture without Myrcene (all compounds at 10 μM final) to matched vehicles. HEK-TRPV1 were loaded with Fluo-4 in the presence of 1mM external calcium. Calcium flux data were collected for 900 s and AUC calculated.