Selenoprotein expression in liver-specific Secisbp2 mutant mice. Control mice (WT) were compared with Alb-Cre; Secisbp2fl/fl (KO), Alb-Cre; Secisbp2C696R/fl (CR), and Alb-Cre; Secisbp2R543Q/fl (RQ) mice. A, semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis for selected selenoprotein mRNAs. ΔΔCt values are calculated in relation to 18S rRNA. Means are given ± S.D. (error bars), n = 2. B, Western blot analysis for selected selenoproteins. Two individual liver extracts are analyzed for each genotype. C, Western blot analysis for Secisbp2. The nonspecific bands demonstrate equal loading. Images were copied directly from the camera output files and displayed without modifications. The complete image files are available as Fig. S2.