Hajdu Cheney mutant BMMs are sensitized to the action of TNFα on osteoclastogenesis. BMMs derived from 2-month-old Notch2tm1.1Ecan mice and control littermates were cultured in the presence of M-CSF at 30 ng/ml and of TNFα at 50, 100, and 200 ng/ml for 6 days. Cells were stained with TRAP, and representative images of TRAP-stained multinucleated cells are shown. The scale bar in the right corner represents 500 μm. TRAP-positive cells with more than three nuclei were considered osteoclasts, and values are means ± S.D.; n = 4 biological replicates for control (white bars) and Notch2tm1.1Ecan (black bars) cells. *, significantly different between Notch2tm1.1Ecan and control, p < 0.05.