(A) Experimental scheme for analyzing the number and properties of MuSCs on isolated single myofibers. At 4 days after tenotomy, single myofibers were isolated and immediately fixed. Single myofibers cultured for 3 days were used as positive controls for immunostaining. (B) Immunostaining of Pax7 (red), MyoD (green), and Ki67 (white) in MuSCs on 3 day cultured myofibers (Culture 3d; positive control), freshly isolated myofibers of sham muscle (Sham), or freshly isolated myofibers at 4 days after tenotomy (Tenotomy). Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar: 50 μm. (C) Bar graph showing frequencies of MyoD+Ki67+ (blue column), MyoD−Ki67− (red column), MyoD+Ki67− (green column), and MyoD−Ki67+ (purple column) cells on 3 day cultured myofibers, sham myofibers, or myofibers at 4 days after tenotomy. The number associated with the majority phenotype in Pax7+ cells is indicated in the numerator of each bar. Total number of Pax7+ cells is indicated in the denominator of each bar. (D) Histogram showing the frequency of the listed number of MuSCs per myofiber in the case of sham myofibers (white bar, n = 46) or myofibers at 4 days after tenotomy (blue bar, n = 49). The X-axis indicates the number of MuSCs per myofiber, and the Y-axis shows the frequency of myofibers harboring the indicated number of MuSCs. (E, F) Frequency of MyoD−Ki67− (E) or MyoD−Ki67+ (F) MuSCs on single myofibers: sham control (white bar, n = 41) versus 4 days after tenotomy (blue bar, n = 49). The X-axis indicates the percentage of MyoD−Ki67− or MyoD−Ki67+ MuSCs per myofiber. The Y-axis shows the frequency of myofibers with the indicated percentage of MyoD−Ki67− (E) or MyoD−Ki67+ (F) MuSCs per myofiber.
Figure 2—source data 1. Numerical data for making the graphs in Figure 2.