a, Graphs showing percent changes in infarct mass, infarct mass
over LV mass and EF, as indicated, between 2 and 28 days after MI and AAV6-Control or
AAV6-miR-199a delivery, measured by cMRI. The number of analysed animals were 7 and 8, 7
and 8, 7 and 9 for infarct mass, infarct mass over LV mass and EF for the two groups,
respectively. Upper panels: cumulative values for all pigs. Data are mean±SEM;
*P<0.05; t-test, two tailed; lower panels: data from
individual pigs. b, Infarct healing at one month after AAV6-miR-199a
injection. The LGE-cMRI images (from apex to base, a to e) are the same as in Fig. 1h without red counterstain. The red arrow shows
the infarcted area in the central plane. c, Gross anatomy of cardiac slices
with corresponding LGE-cMRI images in representative AAV6-Control and AAV6-miR-199a
treated pig hearts, at 28 days post-MI. d, Heart rate in sham and infarcted
animals injected with AAV6-Control and AAV6-miR-199a at one month after treatment. Data
are mean±SEM; the number of animals per group and time point are indicated.