Figure 1. Single cell RNA-sequencing of the developing retina.
(A) Schematic of retinal cell birth order. (B-C) tSNE-dimension reduction of gene expression profiles from Chx10:GFP-positive RPCs via a modified Smart-Seq2 protocol, with cells labeled by (B) age or (C) cell type as determined by marker gene expression. (D) Heatmap of marker genes identified through differential expression analysis with respect to cell type in Smart-Seq2 samples. (E-F) UMAP-dimension reduction of droplet-based single cell RNA-sequencing of developing mouse retina, with doublets and extra-retinal cells removed. Samples are colored by (E) age or (F) annotated cell type as determined by marker gene expression. (G) Heatmap of differentially expressed genes in annotated cell types in 10× samples. Abbreviations: Int. RPCs – Intermediate RPCs; Photo. Precurs. – Photoreceptor Precursors; RGCs – Retinal Ganglion Cells.