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. 2019 Aug 30;23(8):710–716. doi: 10.1007/s12603-019-1244-4

Table 3.

Effect of the Multifactorial Intervention on physical function capacity stratified by a frailty degree according to the Clinical Frailty Scale

Fit, Stable, managing well (CFS 1–3), n=41 Vulnerable (CFS 4–6), n=48 Any grade of Frailty (CFS 7–9), n=23 p for trend
Before After Difference (95% IC) p Before After Difference (95% IC) p Before After Difference (95% IC) p
SPPB a, mean (SD) 8.43 9.68 1.25 <0.001 7.13 8.67 1.54 <0.001 6.52 8.21 1.70 <0.001 0.279
(2.05) (2.08) (0.81 – 1.69) (2.02) (1.95) (.99 – 2.09) (1.90) (1.76) (1.04 – 2.35)
Gait speed (m/sec), mean (SD) 0.77 0.86 0.08 <0.001 0.71 0.78 0.07 0.005 0.60 0.69 0.09 <0.001 0.940
(0.18) (0.17) (0.05 – 0.12) (0.21) (0.17) (0.02 – 0.11) (0.14) (0.16) (0.04 – 0.13)
Balance impairment, % (n) 31.7 14.6 53.8 0.001 52.1 25.0 52.0 0.009 47.8 21.7 54.5 0.043 0.540
(13) (6) (7) (25) (12) (13) (11) (5) (6)
Chair stand test (sec), mean (SD) 18.28 13.97 −4.32 0.002 25.58 18.16 −7.43 <0.001 23.37 19.83 −3.55 0.235 0.352
(9.99) (4.85) (−6.89 – −1.75) (15.91) (11.91) (−11.45 – −3.41) (13.92) (13.84) (−9.56 – −2.47)

SD: standard deviation; a. SPPB: Short Physical Performance Battery, range from 0 to 12; The Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test were used for continuous variables as appropriated and Chi-Square for categorical variables.