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. 2018 Sep 21;58(7):2693–2704. doi: 10.1007/s00394-018-1818-7

Table 2.

Population characteristics (n = 3010) of The Maastricht Study

All participants (n = 3010) No knee pain (n = 2364) Clinical knee osteoarthritis (n = 427)
Age (years) 60.0 (8.14) 59.7 (8.30) 62.5 (6.54)
Sex (% male) 50.6 51.6 41.2
Highest education (n, %)
 Low 32.9 30.9 44.6
 Medium 28.0 27.6 26.6
 High 39.1 41.1 28.8
Smoking (n, %)
 Never 35.4 35.6 33.5
 Former 52.1 51.5 55.3
 Current 12.5 12.9 11.2
BMI (kg/m2) (n, %) 27.0 (4.52) 26.7 (4.30) 29.0 (5.34)
 Normal 35.9 38.0 23.0
 Overweight 42.2 42.5 39.6
 Obese 21.9 19.4 37.5
Type 2 diabetes (n, %) 27.5 25.9 37.7
History of sport-related knee injury (%) 25.9 22.8 39.1
Occupational exposure to knee loading (%)
 No squatting or kneeling 76.4 77.9 70.6
 Squatting or kneeling without lifting 3.5 3.5 4.0
 Squatting or kneeling with lifting 20.1 18.6 25.4
Dietary intake
 Energy (kcal/day) 2178 (603) 2182 (603) 2123 (595)
 Vegetables (g/day) 181 (99.0) 180 (97.5) 185 (100)
 Fruits (g/day) 195 (145) 195 (146) 207 (143)
 Meat (g/day) 111 (58.8) 110 (57.5) 116 (61.0)
 Fish and shellfish (g/day) 24.4 (21.9) 24.7 (22.1) 22.5 (20.6)
 Alcohol use (%) 18.1 17.2 25.9
  None 56.1 56.8 50.4
  Low 25.3 26.0 23.7
  High 18.1 17.2 25.9
 Vitamin A (mcg/day) 721 (652) 719 (653) 713 (655)
 Vitamin C (mg/day) 128 (61.2) 127 (60.8) 134 (62.5)
 Vitamin D (mcg/day) 3.88 (1.90) 3.90 (1.90) 3.75 (1.93)
 Vitamin E (mg/day) 14.4 (5.66) 14.4 (5.53) 14.2 (5.84)
 Calcium (mg/day) 965 (385) 965 (383) 953 (381)
 Phosphorus (mg/day) 1564 (442) 1562 (439) 1550 (454)
 Magnesium (mg/day) 376 (102) 375 (100) 371 (107)
 Zinc (mg/day) 11.1 (3.02) 11.1 (2.98) 11.0 (3.09)

Values are presented as mean (SD) or proportions

Normal: < 25.00 kg/m2, Overweight: ≥ 25.00 to < 30.00 kg/m2, Obese: ≥ 30.00 kg/m2

Alcohol use—Low: ≤ 14 units (glasses)/week for men and ≤ 7 units/week for women, High: > 14 units/week for men and > 7 units/week for women

BMI body mass index, SD standard deviation