Figure 5.
(A) Representative force-displacement curves from monotonic three-point bending tests to failure conducted on whole femora from female Cre-negative and 10kbDmp1-Cre-positive Twist1f/f mice at 16 wk of age, treated with or without sclerostin antibody (Scl-Ab) for 6 wk prior to sacrifice. Quantification of (B) ultimate force, (C) stiffness, and (D) energy to ultimate force revealed strong antibody effects in both Twist-replete and -deficient mice, but no effect of the Twist mutation alone was detected. Data were tested for significance using two-way ANOVA within sex, with Twist1 status and antibody as the main effects (plus interaction), which are reported in the corner or base of each sex grouping; n = 8–11/group.