Figure 2.
Th1, Treg, and chemokine responses with pMEM49 and pMED171 treatment. (A) Local expression of Th1 and Treg cytokines and transcription factors in the small intestine detected by qPCR. (B) Frequency of splenic Treg cells gated as CD4hi and CD25+Foxp3+cells. Individual data points denoted by different symbols for each experimental group are shown. (C) Representative flow plot showing the frequency of splenic Treg cells in control and treatment groups. (D) Representative photomicrographs of Foxp3+T cells in the ileum (arrows indicate Foxp3+T cells stained brown in IHC; magnification = 200×). (E) Local expression of chemokine receptors and gut-homing signals in the small intestine detected by qPCR. Note the significant enhancement of Treg activities with pMEM49 and pMED171 treatment, despite the differential magnitude and type of Treg responses. Data are shown as mean ± SD. Statistical differences among different experimental groups were determined by Bonferroni post-test after one-way ANOVA; groups denoted by the same alphabet are not significantly different, while those denoted by different alphabets are statistically different (p < 0.05).