Figure 2.
Subgroups “immune desert”, “immune excluded” and “inflamed”. “Immune desert” was defined as having ≤ 50 CD8+ cells/mm2 in the stromal compartment, “immune excluded” ≤ 500 CD8+ cells in the intraepithelial and > 50 in the stromal compartment and “inflamed” having > 500 cells in the intraepithelial compartment. Kaplan Meier plots for overall survival in these groups (A) Tumor size (B) p16 staining (C) and tumor grade (D) were compared. Kaplan-Meier plots for the FoxP3+ cell densities in the stromal and intraepithelial compartment in the “immune desert” group (E,F), in the “immune excluded” group (G,H), and the “inflamed” group (J,K) Cut-off values were median FoxP3+ densities.