The structure and epidermal cells changes of the russeted and non-russeted fruit skin of “Golden Delicious” apple: (A) waxy layer microcracks and warped at 30 days after flowering (DAF30) (CK1); (B) “V”-shaped crack at DAF60 (CK2); (C) “V”-shaped crack became much longer and deeper at DAF150 (CK3); (D) waxy layer at DAF30 (T1); (E) waxy layer at DAF60 (T2); (F) waxy layer microcracks at DAF150 (T3); (G) waxy layer and epidermal cells at DAF30 (CK1); (H) the waxy layer broken, and first two epidermal cells ruptured with russeted compositions depositing (CK2); (I) the ruptured epidermal cells nearly to 10 layers at DAF150 (CK3); (J) waxy layer and epidermal cells at DAF30 (T1); (K) waxy layer became thicker and epidermal cells became larger at DAF60 (T2); (L) waxy layer became much thicker and epidermal cells became much larger at DAF150 (T3). A, B, C, G, H, I belonged to CK group, and D, E, F, J, K, L belonged to T group. Scale length was 50 μm.