Figure 1.
Iron concentration (µg g−1) and bioavailability (ng ferritin mg−1 protein) of (A) cooked split desi seeds (soup) (n = 4; C = soup control, S1 = soup fortified with FeSO4·7H2O, S2 = soup fortified with FeSO4·H2O, and S3 = soup fortified with NaFeEDTA); (B) chapatti prepared from desi flour (n = 4, C = desi chapatti control, S1 = desi chapatti fortified with FeSO4·7H2O, S2 = desi chapatti fortified with FeSO4·H2O, and S3 = desi chapatti fortified with NaFeEDTA); and (C) chapatti prepared from kabuli flour (n = 4, C = kabuli chapatti control, S1 = kabuli chapatti fortified with FeSO4·7H2O, S2 = kabuli chapatti fortified with FeSO4·H2O, and S3 = kabuli chapatti fortified with NaFeEDTA). Iron bioavailability was analyzed using the in vitro Caco-2 cell model. Upper case and lower case letters represent the mean comparisons of Fe concentrations and Fe bioavailability, respectively, across all the treatments. Bars (mean ± SEM) with the same letters are not significantly different (p > 0.05) among the fortificants for that variable.