Algorithm 4: Image Cleaning
1. Input:
/* cluster cryo-EM image */ |
2. Return:
/* cleaned cluster image */ |
3. /* apply image opening on the cluster image to enlarge small blobs */ |
4. /* label each object in the cluster image which returns a label matrix that contains 8-connected object in the cluster */ |
5. for
=1 to
do/* for each object in the clustered image */ |
6. /* get each particle where is the total number of objects in the cluster cryo-EM */ |
7. /* remove all the connected components that are smaller than the p pixels */ |
8. /* mark and get the actual index numbers and the centroid of each object */ |
9. end for
10. /* extract the number of object (particles) */ |
11. /* label each object (particle) */ |
12. for
= 1 to
do/* for each object (particles) */ |
13. Do size filtering and roundness filtering |
14. /* extract the 8-connectedlabeld object */ |
15. * remove each object that less than 8-connected component in the binary image */ |
16. /* get actual index numbers instead of a logical vector */ |
17. /* produce new binary image with only the small, or non-connected object */ |
18. end for
19. Generate and getting a new binary image |