iHepLPC-Heps-3D derived from different donors can predict idiosyncratic events of molecular targeted drugs. (A) Dose-dependent toxicity curves of indicated drugs obtained from 48-h dose responses in iHepLPCs-Hep-3D derived from different donors, showing significant idiosyncratic events. (B) TC50 values of Erlotinib, Lapatinib, Cabozantinib and Foretinib obtained from 48-h dose response in iHepLPCs-Hep-3D derived from different donors, HepaRG-3D, hepG2-3D and PHCs-3D. Different colors represent idiosyncratic events, red elements represent more than half of the cell death and the corresponding TC50 values; yellow elements indicate mild toxicity of the drugs but did not cause more than half of the cell death and the TC50 values exceed the highest concentration tested. (C) Dose-dependent toxicity curves of Gefitinib, Crizotinib, Ceritinib and Tepotinib obtained from 48-h dose response in iHepLPCs-Hep-3D derived from different donors. The four drugs exhibited inherent toxicity. (D) The inherent toxicity of the drugs was also confirmed by PHCs-3D, HepaRG-3D, but not HepG2-3D. Their TC50 values are summarized in (E). All error bars represent s.d.; n=3; n.d. represent no toxicity was found.