Factors influencing Vaccine Hesitancy
Perceptions about the risk of the disease and disease severity
Lack of recommendations by healthcare workers (HCW), government, and advisorybodies
Lack of knowledge about vaccines during pregnancy
Mistrust of vaccines
Concerns about vaccine safety and effectiveness
Fear of needles
Lack of vaccines being offered by HCW, access to vaccination services, availability of vaccines and low ANC participation
Payment required for the vaccine and administration costs
Lack of effective communication and dissemination of recommendations from HCW, and public health bodies
Societal factors like family influence, social norms, religion and lack of decision-making autonomy/ skills among pregnant women
Measures to address barriers
Education by HCW (including nurses, midwives and doctors)
Strong healthcare worker recommendations for vaccination, including verbal, face-to-face recommendations from a physician
Risk communication developed in collaboration with key stakeholders
Targeting specific groups in the community e.g. women’s-groups, community and religious leaders
Positive media coverage
High-quality obstetric care
Acceptable and affordable immunization services offered through well-staffed clinics (including ANC clinics, community health centers, health posts, private health facilities, and hospitals), pharmacies, churches/ faith-based organizations, and other settings.
Immunization services readily accessible by transportation, with convenient timings, and absence of long queues
Reminders and follow-up (including automated text message reminders about vaccination)