Table 1.
Data type | Sources and current availability |
Global Burden of Disease | WHO, IHMEa (Lancet publications and on‐line); Academic centers of excellence through country‐specific alliances (e.g., LSHTM) |
DALY estimates | IHME (GBD project) |
Population risk factors | IHME, GHDx; CDC and equivalent country‐specific organizations |
Force of infection | Clinical trial data (disease networks, publications); Academic centers (e.g., Imperial College, Institute Pasteur); IDM |
Longitudinal patient‐level data | Clinical trial data (CPTR, TB, and malaria networks); EHR data (India only); Natural History Data (CDC and equivalents, foundationsa) |
CDC, Centers for Disease Control; CPTR, Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens; DALY, disability‐adjusted life year; EHR, electronic health record; GBD, global burden of disease; GHDx, Global Health Data Exchange; IDM, Institute for Disease Modeling; IHME, Institute for Health Metric Evaluation; LSHTM, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; RWD, real‐world data; TB, tuberculosis; WHO, World Health Organization.
aFor example, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, The Hague, The Netherlands.