Figure 6.
Impact of c‐di‐GMP on T4SS. A. Operon encoding components of the T4SS, virB1‐11 represents the structural components of the T4SS machinery while virD4 is involved in coupling DNA transfer. B. qRT‐PCR on RNA isolated from cells transformed with either an empty vector control, pGFP, patu2691 or patu5372 grown in AB‐MES medium (pH 5.5) containing 200 μM acetorysingone (AS) for virulence gene induction. Expression quantified using primers specific to either virB1, virB2, virE2 or 16s rRNA which serves as a normalization control. All experiments are the mean of three independent biological experiments with standard deviation error bars. Statistical significance was determined using students's t‐test with p < 0.05 *, p < 0.01 **, p < 0.001*** when compared to the protein expression control pGFP. C. qRT‐PCR on RNA isolated from cells transformed with either an empty vector control, psadC, psadC* grown to early exponential phase. Expression quantified using primers specific to virB1, virB2, virE2 and 16s RNA which serves as a normalization control. All experiments are the mean of three independent biological experiments with standard deviation error bars. Statistical significance was determined using students's t‐test with p < 0.05 *, p < 0.01 **, p < 0.001***.