Impact of c‐di‐GMP on plant transformation. A. Four‐day‐old Arabidopsis seedlings were infected with Agrobacterium strain C58C1(pTiB6S3ΔT)H carrying pBISN1 and either an empty vector control, pGFP, patu2691 or patu5372. These cells were pre‐incubated in I medium (pH5.5) supplemented with 200 μM AS to induce expression of the vir genes. Seedlings were stained with 5‐bromo‐4‐chloro‐3‐indolyl glucuronide (X‐Gluc) to visualize the GUS activity. Statistical significance was determined using students's t‐test with p < 0.05 *, p < 0.01 **, p < 0.001*** when compared to the protein expression control pGFP. B. Four‐day‐old Arabidopsis seedlings were infected with Agrobacterium strain C58C1(pTiB6S3ΔT)H carrying pBISN1 and either an empty vector control, psadC or psadC*. These cells were pre‐incubated in I medium (pH5.5) supplemented with 200 μM AS to induce expression of the vir genes. Seedlings were stained with 5‐bromo‐4‐chloro‐3‐indolyl glucuronide (X‐Gluc) to visualize the GUS activity. All experiments are the mean of three independent biological experiments with standard deviation error bars. Statistical significance was determined using students's t‐test with p < 0.05 *, p < 0.01 **, p < 0.001*** when compared to the vector control.