Effect of WIN 55,212–2 on action potential-independent (TTX-insensitive) mIPSCs in a single CA1 pyramidal neuron. Holding potential, −80 mV. A,Traces represent portions of 2 min epochs recorded before TTX application (Control), 10 min into the TTX (500 nm) application, and 10 min into the WIN 55,212–2 (5 μm) application. B, Cumulative interevent interval distributions for each treatment condition in the same cell. A significant decrease in the frequency of events was observed during TTX (p < 0.001; K–S test). During WIN 55,212–2 application, no further change (p > 0.05; K–S test) in the distribution was observed. C, Cumulative amplitude distribution for the same cell demonstrating a decrease in amplitude during TTX (p < 0.001; K–S test). The mean amplitude decreased from −12.6 pA (n = 518 events) to −8.8 pA (n = 43 events) in TTX. However, no further change in the mean amplitude (−9.3 pA; n = 56 events) was observed during WIN 55,212–2 treatment. D, Summary of mIPSC amplitude and frequency (mean ± SEM;n = 6) before TTX (Con, open bars), during TTX (filled bars) (*p < 0.05 vs control; Wilcoxon signed rank test), and during WIN 55,212–2 (5 μm) (hatched bars). Calibration: 25 pA, 500 msec.