Subunit-specific alterations in GABAAreceptor immunoreactivity in the CA2 area in controls (A,C, autopsy; E, surgery, TLE without HS) versus TLE with HS (B, D, F). A, B, Nissl-stained sections show moderate pyramidal cell loss in TLE with HS (B) as compared to control hippocampus (A). C, D, α2-subunit immunoreactivity is increased in surviving pyramidal cells in TLE with HS (D) in comparison to controls (C). E, F,Redistribution of α3-subunit immunoreactivity. In control hippocampus (E), staining is prominent, outlining the somata of a few pyramidal cells, but weak in their apical dendrites, whereas in TLE with HS (F), thickened apical dendrites show intense immunoreactivity with virtually absent labeling of somata. Note the tangentially cut dendrites reflecting disorganization in orientation (arrows). Abbreviations, see Figure 4. Scale bar, 100 μm.