Fig. 6.
Perceptual responses to barber diamonds presented centrally and in the periphery. Each panel contains a summary response histogram in polar coordinates for two psychophysical experiments: a, foveally presented barber-diamonds;b, peripherally presented barber diamonds. For each viewing condition, responses were collapsed across all four barber-diamond conditions (i.e., up-left, down-left, up-right, down-right) and aligned with respects to three predictions (i.e., Pi, Pe, and Ph). a, Foveally presented barber diamonds. Responses for seven subjects to foveally presented barber diamonds are aligned and replotted from Figure 5 as a summary histogram. All other plotting conventions remain the same.b, Peripherally presented barber diamonds. Summary histogram presents data from four human subjects (RD, CL, KS, and ROD). The proportions of responses for intrinsic motion (82%), extrinsic motion (2%), and horizontal motion (16%) are visually similar to those for foveally viewed barber diamonds (a). The number of intrinsic reports similarly exceeds that of extrinsic reports (χ2; p < 0.0001).