Fig. 5.
Recovery from inactivation of A-type currents.A, Inactivation recovery was examined by inactivating the A-type current and then stepping to −120, −80, or −50 mV for increasing before a test step to 20 mV. The voltage protocol is shown above the current traces. Current traces recovered from −120 (top traces), −80 (middle traces), and −50 (bottom traces) mV are shown. B, Plots of peak current as a function of prepulse duration at −120 (filled circles), −80 (open circles), and −50 (filled squares) mV. Data were fitted with a single exponential with time constants of 6.6 (at −120 mV), 15.5 (at −80 mV), and 41.4 (at −50 mV) msec, respectively.