Fig. 2.
Intragenic and intergenic interactions between SH3 domains and GK regions of PSD-95 family of proteins. A,SH3 domains from PSD-95, SAP97, chapsyn-110, and Dlg were tested for interaction with GK regions from PSD-95, SAP97, chapsyn-110, and Dlg in the yeast two-hybrid system (as in Fig. 1A). SH3 domains were fused to the LexA DNA-binding domain (pBHA vector), and GK regions were fused to the GAL4 activation domain (pGAD10 vector). Empty pGAD10 vector was negative control. Blank areas were not tested.B, Interaction between SH3 domain and proline mutants of PSD-95 GK region. GK region constructs containing single or multiple proline-to-alanine mutations in the indicated sequences were tested for binding to the SH3 domain of PSD-95, or to GKAP. WT, Wild type. C, Interaction between the GK region of PSD-95 family proteins and mutants of the SH3 domain of PSD-95. Substitution mutants (L460P and W470A) of the SH3 domain of PSD-95 do not interact with GK regions from PSD-95, SAP97, and chapsyn-110.