Fig. 5.
In situ membrane potential of granule cell mitochondria exposed to glutamate plus glycine: retained capacity to generate ATP. Shown is single soma fluorescence of granule cells loaded with rhodamine-123 (Ai) or 50 nm TMRM+ (Bi) exposed to 100 μm glutamate plus 10 μm glycine (G). Where indicated, 2 μg/ml oligomycin (O) and 1 μm FCCP (F) were added. Aii,Bii, Simulated traces were fit to the following potential changes: Δψp, depolarization from −60 to −20 mV on the addition of glutamate; Δψm, depolarization from 150 to 145 mV on the addition of glutamate and hyperpolarization to 155 mV on the addition of oligomycin (indicating retained capacity to generate ATP) and collapse of potential with FCCP.