Fig. 4.
Color-enhanced photomicrographs from x-ray films exposed for 7 d after in situ hybridization with antisense cRNA probes against rat GR and MR mRNAs. Compared with LR rats, the HR rats expressed low basal levels of GR mRNA in the hippocampal CA1 field and dentate gyrus (A, top). There were no differences in MR mRNA expression between HR and LR rats in any hippocampal field (CA1, CA2, CA3, and dentate gyrus) (A, bottom). In the PVN, HR rats expressed higher basal levels of CRH mRNA than LR rats did (b, top). In contrast, HR rats expressed lower basal CRH levels in the CeA than LR rats (B, bottom). HR and LR rats did not differ in POMC expression in the anterior and intermediate pituitary (C).