Fig. 1.
Effects of pilocarpine, CabTRP, TNRNFLRFamide, RPCH, CCAP, and proctolin on a semi-isolated LP neuron. The STG was superfused with C. borealis physiological saline containing 10 μm picrotoxin to block inhibitory glutamatergic synapses, and the STG was isolated from higher ganglia using a sucrose block of the stomatogastric nerve. Modulators were bath-applied for 45 sec at a concentration of 3 × 10−5m(pilocarpine), 4 × 10−7m (CabTRP, TNRNFLRFamide), 3 × 10−7m (RPCH), or 2 × 10−7m(CCAP, proctolin). Recordings are all from the same preparation, which was washed for 12–15 min between applications. The baseline membrane potential for each trace is −55 mV. The vertical arrowindicates the starting time of the modulator bath applications.