Table 2.
Regional activations associated with comparisons of task performance
Region | Cluster (voxels) | MNI coordinates (x,y,z) | Z score |
Right middle temporal gyrus (BA22) | 49 | 44 −52 8 | 3.45 |
Left superior temporal gyrus (BA22)* | 56 | −64 −28 8 | 2.81 |
Right inferior frontal gyrus (BA44) | 42 | 48 8 20 | 2.23 |
Left inferior frontal gyrus (BA44) | 20 | −32 16 28 | 2.20 |
Right postcentral gyrus (BA40/43) | 36 | 64 −20 20 | 2.11 |
Right cingulate/prefrontal gyrus (BA8/32) | 86 | 20 24 44 | 4.33 |
Right parieto-occipital sulcus (BA19) | 63 | 8 −72 32 | 4.16 |
Left cingulate gyrus (BA31) | 58 | −4 −36 36 | 3.98 |
Right pulvinar thalamus | 55 | 12 −24 4 | 3.84 |
Right lateral sulcus (BA40) | 34 | 48 −20 16 | 3.65 |
Left superior temporal gyrus (BA22) | 21 | −40 −48 12 | 3.45 |
Right supramarginal gyrus (BA40) | 36 | 48 −52 32 | 3.43 |
Left postcentral gyrus (BA3/4) | 22 | −36 −36 68 | 3.30 |
Left frontal medial gyrus (BA6) | 22 | −8 4 56 | 3.05 |
Right posterior parietal lobe (BA40/7) | 30 | 48 −40 52 | 3.05 |
Coordinates are from the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) template and use the same orientation and origin as found in the Talairach atlas (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988). The table shows at most three maxima > 8.0 mm apart per cluster (k ≥ 20).
*Wernicke's area.