Induction of p75NTR and NADE in hippocampal neurons after transient global ischemia. Low-power photomicrographs of anti-p75NTR antibody-stained (A,D,G), anti-NADE antibody-stained (B,E,H), or TUNEL-stained (C,F,I) brain sections of a sham-operated rat (top row) and of rats 72 hr after 15 min ischemia with intraventricular injection of saline (middle row) or CaEDTA (bottom row). p75NTRimmunoreactivity, NADE immunoreactivity, and TUNEL reactivity were conspicuous in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer 72 hr after ischemia (D–F, arrows). Interestingly, whereas p75NTR immunoreactivity developed in dentate granule cells (arrowheads), neither NADE immunoreactivity nor TUNEL reactivity developed in them. Intraventricular injection of CaEDTA almost completely blocked the emergence of all three (G–I). Scale bar, 1 mm.