Fig. 2.
Effect of thalamic inactivation on the activity induced by neocortical disinhibition. A, Examples showing simultaneous field potential and multi-unit activity recording in the neocortex (top) and thalamus (bottom) when the different drugs are being applied through the microdialysis probes placed in the neocortex and thalamus. First, ACSF is applied in the neocortex and in the thalamus. Second, ACSF is applied in the thalamus, and BMI is applied in the neocortex. Third, ACSF is applied in the thalamus, and BMI plus CGP35348 is applied in the neocortex. Finally, TTX is applied in the thalamus, and BMI plus CGP35348 is applied in the neocortex. Tracesare 5 sec long. Notice the difference in scale between the control trace (1 mV) and the following traces (3 mV) in neocortex. Neocortical recordings are from a site 1 mm in depth from the surface.B, Close-up of the multi-unit thalamic and field neocortical activity produced during an ∼10 Hz discharge caused by BMI plus CGP35348 in neocortex, before and after the application of TTX to the thalamus. C, Close-up of the field potential thalamic and neocortical activity produced during an ∼10 Hz discharge caused by BMI plus CGP35348 in neocortex.