Fig. 1.
Cresyl violet of sham, isografts, and xenografts.a, Five-day-old isograft with a sham graft in the contralateral striatum that is seen as a small scar-like structure.b–d, Over the ensuing 30 d, the isograft increases slightly in volume but with no increase in cellularity.b, Ten-day-old isograft; c, 21-d-old isograft with sham graft in contralateral striatum; d, 35-d-old isograft with sham graft in contralateral striatum;e, 5-d-old xenograft with hypercellularity already apparent in graft; f, 10-d-old xenograft in which the graft has expanded in size and increased cellularity is maintained.g, At 21 d there is necrosis within the graft, and by 35 d (h) the graft has been lost and a small gliotic scar is left. Scale bar, 1 mm.