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. 2000 May 1;20(9):3339–3353. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.20-09-03339.2000

Table 1.

PDH-immunoreactive neurons in young (2–10 d) and old (20–30 d) flies of the different gal4 lines

Description of cell clusters elav-gal4 Mz1366-gal4 Mz1525-gal4 Mz1172-gal4 per-gal4
Y Old Y Old Y Old Y Old Y Old
Anterior brain
 LNv (large and small) + + + + + +
 1–3 LNd + + (+) + (+)
 DGI ++ + (+) + + ++ +
 Two neurons ventral to LNv(1) + + + (+) + (+)
 One to four small neurons dorsal to LNv(2) + (+) + (+)
 α-, β-, γ-lobe of the mushroom body ++ ++
 Glomeruli of the AL ++ ++ ++ ++
 Many small neurons dorsolateral to the AL (3) + + + +
 Three to eight small neurons lateral of the EF,  ventromedial to the AL (4) + + + + ++ + (+)
 One lateral cell in the tritocerebrum (5) + + (+) (+) (+)
 Up to 20 neurons in the anterior medial  subesophageal ganglion (SE) (6) + + ++ + + + (+) +
Medial brain
 Up to 10 neurons ventrally in the SE (7) + + + + (+) + +
 One large neuron in the lateral and ventral brain (8) ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
 Up to 10 cells in the pars intercerebralis (9) + + ++ ++ + ++ ++ (+)
 One layer in the fan shaped body ++ ++ + (+)
Posterior brain
 Three to 10 DN1 + + + + + +
 One to two DN2 (+) (+) + + (+)
 Large neuron in the posterior pars lateralis (PL) close  to the terminals of the small LNv(10) + + ++ ++ +
 Second large neuron in the posterior PL (11) + + ++ ++ + +
 One neuron at the level of the ellypsoid body that  projects dorsally (12) + + + +
 Huge neuron in the lateral posterior brain dorsal to  the POT (13) ++ + ++ + + (+) + (+) + (+)
 Three to eight small neurons close to the huge neuron  (14) + + ++ + + + + (+) (+)
 Several small neurons scattered in the posterior brain  (not numbered) (+) (+) (+) (+)
Thoracic nervous system
 Up to four large neurons ventrally in the midline  between segment 1 and 2 + + + + + (+)
 One to four small neurons ventrally in the midline of  segments 1 and 3 and between both + (+) (+) (+) (+) + +
 Large and small cells at the margin of the thoracic NS + (+) + (+) (+)
 Additional cells in the abdominal segments + + ++ + + ++ ++
 Horseshoe-shaped cell group located superficially in  the dorsal part of segment 3 + + + (+) (+) ++ ++

Y, Young; −, no staining; (+), sometimes weak staining; +, always staining; ++, always strong staining.