Fig. 2.
In vitro preparation. After behavioral training, the cerebral and buccal ganglia were isolated together with selected peripheral nerves. BMPs (bottom inset) were recorded extracellularly from buccal nerves that innervate buccal muscles for protraction (I2), closure (Rn1), and retraction (e.g.,Bn2.1) of the odontophore and radula. Intracellular recordings from identified buccal neurons (e.g., B31/32) were done simultaneously (top inset). Bipolar stimulating electrodes were placed along the most medial and ventral branch of the AT nerve (AT4) and the esophageal nerve (En2). Stimulation of AT4 was used to activate afferent fibers that innervate the region of the lip that was targeted for CS presentation during behavioral training. Stimulation of En2 was used to determine whether a preparation was capable of expressing BMPs (see Materials and Methods for details).