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. 2019 Sep 30;9(9):e031434. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031434

Table 4.

PC and OGC module data from pilot data collection

Variable PC module OGC module
n (%) n (%)
Recruited 115 180
 Recruited via invitation letter 88 (76.5) 120 (66.7)
 Recruited via waiver of consent (deceased) 27 (23.5) 60 (33.3)
 Male 56 (48.7) 132 (73.3)
 Female 59 (51.3) 48 (26.7)
Age at diagnosis (years)
 <50 6 (5.2) 11 (6.1)
 50–59 14 (12.2) 22 (12.2)
 60–69 30 (26.1) 54 (30.0)
 70–79 38 (33.0) 54 (30.0)
 ≥80 22 (19.1) 33 (18.3)
 Missing 5 (4.3) 6 (3.3)
Resectability at diagnosis
 Resectable 25 (21.7) 58 (32.2)
 Borderline resectable 3 (2.6) 11 (6.1)
 Unresectable 67 (58.3) 64 (35.6)
Locally advanced (LA) 24 (20.9) 6 (3.3)
Metastatic (Mets) 43 (37.4) 58 (32.2)
 Not documented 14 (12.2)
 Unknown 41 (22.8)
 Missing 6 (5.2) 6 (3.3)
Clinical stage at diagnosis
 I or II 5 (4.3) 33 (18.3)
 III 7 (3.9)
 IV 18 (15.7) 50 (27.8)
 Complete TNM* not documented 80 (69.6) 82 (45.6)
 Missing 12 (10.4) 8 (4.4)
First treatment
 Neoadjuvant therapy 4 (3.5) 60 (33.3)
 Attempted or completed resection surgery 27 (23.5) 13 (7.2)
 Curative intent ChemoTx and/or RT 7 (3.9)
 Palliative intent ChemoTx and/or RT 37 (32.2) 55 (30.6)
 No treatment 29 (25.2) 23 (12.8)
 Unknown 16 (8.9)
 Missing 18 (15.7) 6 (3.3)
Reasons for no surgery†
 LA or Mets 62 60
 Advanced age 1 6
 Comorbidities 7 9
 Patient declined 1 12
 Patient died prior to surgery 0 7
 Performance status 4
 Other reason 1
 Reason not documented 4 3
Participant data collection status
 Complete 51 (44.3) 107 (59.4)
 Incomplete 64 (55.7) 73 (40.6)
Data entry subform completeness
 Demographics 113 (98.2) 180 (100.0)
 Vital status and tumour recurrence 58 (50.4) 145 (80.6)
 Diagnosis details 97 (84.3) 165 (91.7)
 Biliary stents 94 (81.7)
 Surgery 102 (88.7) 168 (93.3)
 Pathology of resection sample 102 (88.7)
 Neoadjuvant therapy 104 (90.4)
 Adjuvant therapy 98 (85.2)
 Therapy for locally advanced disease 95 (82.6)
 Therapy for metastatic disease 77 (67.0)
 Other treatment and trials 80 (70.0)
 Treatment summary 167 (92.8)
 Restaging after neoadjuvant therapy 167 (92.8)
 Chemotherapy details 162 (90.0)
 Radiotherapy details 163 (90.6)
 End-of-life details 81 (45.0)

*TNM system of classification of cancer.

†Reason for no surgery: participants may have more than one reason documented.

ChemoTX, chemotherapy; RT, radiotherapy.