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. 2019 Sep 26;9(9):e024448. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024448

Table 2.

Job satisfaction and work commitment among the respondents

No. Statement Strongly disagree
n (%)
n (%)
Slightly disagree
n (%)
Slightly agree
n (%)
n (%)
Strongly agree
n (%)
Mean score (SD)
Job satisfaction
1 I look forward to coming to work everyday 29 (8.9) 35 (10.8) 34 (10.5) 70 (21.5) 108 (33.2) 49 (15.1) 4.05 (1.51)
2 I talk about my job with my family and friends because it is a great job 27 (8.3) 53 (16.3) 37 (11.4) 67 (20.6) 99 (30.5) 42 (12.9) 3.87 (1.52)
3 My job provides me with broad opportunities to use my abilities 27 (8.3) 40 (12.3) 47 (14.5) 53 (16.3) 112 (34.5) 46 (14.2) 3.99 (1.52)
4 I have sufficient freedom to use my own judgement in my job 17 (5.2) 42 (12.9) 46 (14.2) 64 (19.7) 112 (34.5) 44 (13.5) 4.06 (1.42)
5 My job provides me with flexibility to choose any method of doing the job 21 (6.5) 44 (13.5) 44 (13.5) 82 (25.2) 103 (31.7) 31 (9.5) 3.91 (1.39)
6 I get a feeling of accomplishment from my job 22 (6.8) 32 (9.8) 39 (12.0) 86 (26.5) 115 (35.4) 31 (9.5) 4.02 (1.36)
7 At the end of each working day, I feel that the day has been well spent 119 (36.0) 33 (10.2) 49 (15.1) 86 (26.5) 0 (0) 38 (11.7) 2.78 (1.68)
8 If I were to start my career again, I would choose this job 53 (16.3) 33 (10.2) 42 (12.9) 58 (17.8) 85 (26.2) 54 (16.6) 3.77 (1.7)
9 Other people would be very lucky to get a job like mine 42 (12.9) 29 (10.8) 46 (14.2) 84 (25.8) 82 (25.2) 42 (12.9) 3.8 (1.54)
10 I am satisfied with my job 35 (10.8) 32 (9.8) 37 (11.4) 82 (25.2) 104 (32.0) 35 (10.8) 3.90 (1.49)
11 I am satisfied with my salary 65 (20.0) 48 (14.8) 37 (11.4) 70 (21.5) 77 (23.7) 28 (8.6) 3.4 (1.65)
12 I am satisfied with the fringe benefits offered by my job 58 (17.8) 54 (16.6) 48 (14.8) 71 (21.8) 70 (21.5) 24 (7.4) 3.35 (1.58)
13 I am satisfied with the working conditions 44 (13.5) 48 (14.8) 51 (15.7) 76 (23.4) 85 (26.2) 21 (6.5) 3.53 (1.51)
14 I am satisfied with the personnel policies of this organisation 41 (12.6) 48 (14.8) 59 (18.1) 72 (22.2) 84 (25.8) 21 (6.5) 3.53 (1.48)
15 I am satisfied with the style and quality of supervision 43 (13.2) 51 (15.7) 53 (16.3) 72 (22.2) 80 (24.6) 26 (8.0) 3.53 (1.53)
Work commitment
1 I am willing to put in effort beyond that normally expected to help my workplace to be successful 15 (4.6) 17 (5.2) 22 (6.8) 58 (17.8) 123 (37.8) 90 (27.7) 4.62 (1.34)
2 I talk about my workplace to my friends because it is a great organisation to work for 31 (9.5) 41 (12.6) 53 (16.3) 65 (20.0) 103 (31.7) 32 (9.8) 3.81 (1.49)
3 I feel very little loyalty to my organisation 58 (17.8) 70 (21.5) 47 (14.5) 60 (18.5) 69 (21.2) 21 (6.5) 3.23 (1.58)
4 I would accept almost any type of job assignment to keep working at this organisation 36 (11.1) 39 (12.0) 61 (18.8) 76 (23.4) 74 (22.8) 39 (12.0) 3.71 (1.51)
5 I find that my values and my organisation’s value are very similar 29 (8.9) 52 (16.0) 45 (13.8) 64 (19.7) 97 (29.8) 38 (11.7) 3.81 (1.52)
6 I am proud to tell others that I am a part of my organisation 27 (8.3) 25 (7.7) 32 (9.8) 68 (20.9) 105 (32.3) 68 (20.9) 4.24 (1.5)
7 I could just as well be working for a different organisation 24 (7.4) 33 (10.2) 56 (17.2) 86 (26.5) 96 (29.5) 30 (9.2) 3.88 (1.37)
8 My workplace inspires my best job performance 41 (12.6) 55 (16.9) 56 (17.2) 80 (24.6) 70 (21.5) 23 (7.1) 3.47 (1.48)
9 It would take a very little change in my present circumstances to make me leave this organisation 29 (8.9) 51 (15.7) 57 (17.5) 84 (25.8) 81 (24.9) 23 (7.1) 3.63 (1.42)
10 I am extremely glad that I chose this organisation to work for 30 (9.2) 36 (11.1) 43 (13.2) 70 (21.5) 99 (30.5) 47 (14.5) 3.96 (1.51)
11 There is not much to be gained by sticking with this organisation 35 (10.8) 60 (18.5) 61 (18.8) 84 (25.8) 58 (17.8) 27 (8.3) 3.46 (1.46)
12 Often, I find it difficult to agree with my organisation’s polices on important matters relating to its employees 44 (13.5) 52 (16.0) 60 (18.5) 80 (24.6) 57 (17.5) 32 (9.8) 3.46 (1.52)
13 I really care about the fate of my organisation 20 (6.2) 21 (6.5) 35 (10.8) 65 (20.0) 115 (35.4) 69 (21.2) 4.36 (1.41)
14 For me, this is the best of all possible organisations to work for 33 (10.2) 49 (15.1) 56 (17.2) 68 (20.9) 85 (26.2) 34 (10.5) 3.69 (1.51)
15 Deciding to work for this organisation was a definite mistake 103 (12.0) 69 (21.2) 67 (20.6) 39 (12.0) 38 (11.7) 9 (2.8) 2.59 (1.46)