Table 2.
Job satisfaction and work commitment among the respondents
No. | Statement | Strongly disagree n (%) |
Disagree n (%) |
Slightly disagree n (%) |
Slightly agree n (%) |
Agree n (%) |
Strongly agree n (%) |
Mean score (SD) |
Job satisfaction | ||||||||
1 | I look forward to coming to work everyday | 29 (8.9) | 35 (10.8) | 34 (10.5) | 70 (21.5) | 108 (33.2) | 49 (15.1) | 4.05 (1.51) |
2 | I talk about my job with my family and friends because it is a great job | 27 (8.3) | 53 (16.3) | 37 (11.4) | 67 (20.6) | 99 (30.5) | 42 (12.9) | 3.87 (1.52) |
3 | My job provides me with broad opportunities to use my abilities | 27 (8.3) | 40 (12.3) | 47 (14.5) | 53 (16.3) | 112 (34.5) | 46 (14.2) | 3.99 (1.52) |
4 | I have sufficient freedom to use my own judgement in my job | 17 (5.2) | 42 (12.9) | 46 (14.2) | 64 (19.7) | 112 (34.5) | 44 (13.5) | 4.06 (1.42) |
5 | My job provides me with flexibility to choose any method of doing the job | 21 (6.5) | 44 (13.5) | 44 (13.5) | 82 (25.2) | 103 (31.7) | 31 (9.5) | 3.91 (1.39) |
6 | I get a feeling of accomplishment from my job | 22 (6.8) | 32 (9.8) | 39 (12.0) | 86 (26.5) | 115 (35.4) | 31 (9.5) | 4.02 (1.36) |
7 | At the end of each working day, I feel that the day has been well spent | 119 (36.0) | 33 (10.2) | 49 (15.1) | 86 (26.5) | 0 (0) | 38 (11.7) | 2.78 (1.68) |
8 | If I were to start my career again, I would choose this job | 53 (16.3) | 33 (10.2) | 42 (12.9) | 58 (17.8) | 85 (26.2) | 54 (16.6) | 3.77 (1.7) |
9 | Other people would be very lucky to get a job like mine | 42 (12.9) | 29 (10.8) | 46 (14.2) | 84 (25.8) | 82 (25.2) | 42 (12.9) | 3.8 (1.54) |
10 | I am satisfied with my job | 35 (10.8) | 32 (9.8) | 37 (11.4) | 82 (25.2) | 104 (32.0) | 35 (10.8) | 3.90 (1.49) |
11 | I am satisfied with my salary | 65 (20.0) | 48 (14.8) | 37 (11.4) | 70 (21.5) | 77 (23.7) | 28 (8.6) | 3.4 (1.65) |
12 | I am satisfied with the fringe benefits offered by my job | 58 (17.8) | 54 (16.6) | 48 (14.8) | 71 (21.8) | 70 (21.5) | 24 (7.4) | 3.35 (1.58) |
13 | I am satisfied with the working conditions | 44 (13.5) | 48 (14.8) | 51 (15.7) | 76 (23.4) | 85 (26.2) | 21 (6.5) | 3.53 (1.51) |
14 | I am satisfied with the personnel policies of this organisation | 41 (12.6) | 48 (14.8) | 59 (18.1) | 72 (22.2) | 84 (25.8) | 21 (6.5) | 3.53 (1.48) |
15 | I am satisfied with the style and quality of supervision | 43 (13.2) | 51 (15.7) | 53 (16.3) | 72 (22.2) | 80 (24.6) | 26 (8.0) | 3.53 (1.53) |
Work commitment | ||||||||
1 | I am willing to put in effort beyond that normally expected to help my workplace to be successful | 15 (4.6) | 17 (5.2) | 22 (6.8) | 58 (17.8) | 123 (37.8) | 90 (27.7) | 4.62 (1.34) |
2 | I talk about my workplace to my friends because it is a great organisation to work for | 31 (9.5) | 41 (12.6) | 53 (16.3) | 65 (20.0) | 103 (31.7) | 32 (9.8) | 3.81 (1.49) |
3 | I feel very little loyalty to my organisation | 58 (17.8) | 70 (21.5) | 47 (14.5) | 60 (18.5) | 69 (21.2) | 21 (6.5) | 3.23 (1.58) |
4 | I would accept almost any type of job assignment to keep working at this organisation | 36 (11.1) | 39 (12.0) | 61 (18.8) | 76 (23.4) | 74 (22.8) | 39 (12.0) | 3.71 (1.51) |
5 | I find that my values and my organisation’s value are very similar | 29 (8.9) | 52 (16.0) | 45 (13.8) | 64 (19.7) | 97 (29.8) | 38 (11.7) | 3.81 (1.52) |
6 | I am proud to tell others that I am a part of my organisation | 27 (8.3) | 25 (7.7) | 32 (9.8) | 68 (20.9) | 105 (32.3) | 68 (20.9) | 4.24 (1.5) |
7 | I could just as well be working for a different organisation | 24 (7.4) | 33 (10.2) | 56 (17.2) | 86 (26.5) | 96 (29.5) | 30 (9.2) | 3.88 (1.37) |
8 | My workplace inspires my best job performance | 41 (12.6) | 55 (16.9) | 56 (17.2) | 80 (24.6) | 70 (21.5) | 23 (7.1) | 3.47 (1.48) |
9 | It would take a very little change in my present circumstances to make me leave this organisation | 29 (8.9) | 51 (15.7) | 57 (17.5) | 84 (25.8) | 81 (24.9) | 23 (7.1) | 3.63 (1.42) |
10 | I am extremely glad that I chose this organisation to work for | 30 (9.2) | 36 (11.1) | 43 (13.2) | 70 (21.5) | 99 (30.5) | 47 (14.5) | 3.96 (1.51) |
11 | There is not much to be gained by sticking with this organisation | 35 (10.8) | 60 (18.5) | 61 (18.8) | 84 (25.8) | 58 (17.8) | 27 (8.3) | 3.46 (1.46) |
12 | Often, I find it difficult to agree with my organisation’s polices on important matters relating to its employees | 44 (13.5) | 52 (16.0) | 60 (18.5) | 80 (24.6) | 57 (17.5) | 32 (9.8) | 3.46 (1.52) |
13 | I really care about the fate of my organisation | 20 (6.2) | 21 (6.5) | 35 (10.8) | 65 (20.0) | 115 (35.4) | 69 (21.2) | 4.36 (1.41) |
14 | For me, this is the best of all possible organisations to work for | 33 (10.2) | 49 (15.1) | 56 (17.2) | 68 (20.9) | 85 (26.2) | 34 (10.5) | 3.69 (1.51) |
15 | Deciding to work for this organisation was a definite mistake | 103 (12.0) | 69 (21.2) | 67 (20.6) | 39 (12.0) | 38 (11.7) | 9 (2.8) | 2.59 (1.46) |