Figure 4. Pressure negatively regulates fluid flux.
(A) Numerical calculation of fluid flux () as a function of time using Equation 6 by fitting quadratic polynomials to volume and surface area data. (B–D) Confocal 2D micrographs with XZ (top) and XY (bottom) planes depicting the regeneration of a punctured right vesicle (blue) relative to the unpunctured vesicle (left) from (A) 30 hpf right after puncture, to (B) 32.5 hpf, and to (C) 35 hpf. (E–F) Quantification of the recovery of volume and wall thickness symmetry. The y-axis plots the difference in lumenal volumes normalized to the unpunctured lumenal volume (, E) and similarly for wall thickness (, F). Error bars are SD. (G) Fluid flux in the punctured ears (blue) and unpunctured ears (red). Error bars are SD. (H) Scatterplot showing as a function of volume asymmetry () in punctured (blue) and unpunctured (red) ears. n = 10 for each data point in (E–H) Related to Figure 4—figure supplement 1 and Figure 4—video 1.