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. 2019 Oct 1;8:e39596. doi: 10.7554/eLife.39596

Figure 6. Spatial patterning of material properties results in regional thinning of tissue.

(A) Schematic for experimentally measuring tissue material properties (k, μ). The strain of a cell (highlighted in orange) before and after puncturing (c-a) is inversely proportional to the elasticity modulus k. Changes in resting cell-shapes observed over time (d-b) is inversely proportional to the viscosity parameter µ. (B–C) Quantification of normalized change in wall thickness ((c-a)/a , (B) and resting wall thickness ((c-d)/c, (C) post-puncture near the hindbrain (medial, blue), ectoderm (lateral, red), and anteroposterior regions (poles, green). Puncturing was done at 25, 30, 35, and 40 hpf. n = 5 for each data point in (B–C). (D) Overall lumenal surface area growth rate (blue markers) showing compensatory contributions from proliferation (red) and cell stretching (green). (E–F) Timelapse confocal imaging using Tg(actb2:GFP-Hsa.UTRN) and Tg(actb2:myl12.1-eGFP) embryos report the dramatic apical localization of F-actin (D) and Myosin II (E) respectively prior to lumenization through 12-16hpf. Through early growth between 16–22 hpf, cells at the poles and lateral regions (red arrows) retain their fluorescence while medial cells lose their fluorescence (blue arrows). (G–H) 3D rendering of F-actin (G) and myosin II (H, right) data at 30 hpf show co-localization to apicolateral cell junctions as cells stretch out. (I) Quantification of long-term cell shape deformation (Δhh) between 16–22 hpf as a function of the rate of change in apical concentration (Δuu) of F-actin (blue markers) and Myosin II (red). n = 22. (J) Quantification of the short-term puncture-induced deformation in cell shapes (Δhh) as a function of the normalized apical concentration (u<u>) of F-actin (blue markers) and Myosin II (red). < u > represents the mean apical fluorescent intensity across the vesicle. Error bars are SD, n = 22. (K) Quantification of fluid flux in embryos treated with 2 mM cytochalasin D at different developmental stages (hpf). Before 25 hpf, embryos failed to grow (Ω0) or lose lumenal volume. After 25 hpf, embryos increased their secretion rate by 2-5X over wild-type values (dashed black line, 1 µm/hr, n = 15). (L) Quantification showing the change in apical Myosin II fluorescence (Δuu) as positively correlated with fluid flux (Ω, n = 16). (M) Quantification of vesicle shape change show maximal change in dorsoventral radius (green markers) compared to the mediolateral (blue) and anteroposterior radius (red, n = 12). Related to Figure 6—figure supplement 1 and Figure 6—videos 14.

Figure 6.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1. Pole cells retain their aspect ratios as they move from high to low-curvature tissue regions between 25–30 hpf.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1.

(A) Pole cells are tracked from 25 hpf (left) to 30 hpf (right) as they treadmill from high-curvature to low-curvature (dashed blue curves) tissue regions. Mean curvature of the lumenal surface is used as a measure of the local curvature. (B) Quantification of the cell aspect ratios and mean curvature shows that cells retain their shapes independent of the location on the lumenal surface (n = 10, **p<5.0e-5). Error bars are SD. (C) For the measurement of single-cell data on shape deformations in Figure 6I, mosaically labeled cells were tracked in Tg(actb2:GFP-Hsa.UTRN) before and after puncture. Dextran TexasRed was injected into a single blastomere of 16 cell stage embryos for tracking positions of cells before and after puncture. Confocal 3D image datasets were collected before and after puncture and co-registered. The confocal micrographs show XY, YZ, XZ, and a 3D triplanar view centered on the otic vesicle of a single embryo staged at 30 hpf before (top) and after puncture (bottom). Cells positive for TexasRed fluorescence (examples shown in red, blue, and white arrows) were matched before and after puncture. For each cell, the deformation and fluorescence localization were manually measured using the GoFigure2 software.
Figure 6—video 1. Spatiotemporal dynamics of F-actin localization.
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DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39596.016
A 2D+time confocal movie of zebrafish otic development from 12 to 32 hpf using Tg(actb2:GFP-Hsa.UTRN) (shown in red) embryos that depict the localization of F-actin (membrane show in green from Tg(actb2:mem-cherry2)). Each frame has a spatial-sampling of 0.2µm with temporal-sampling of 2 min across frames. The movie shows the formation of the otic vesicle (12–16 hpf) with apical localization of F-actin in cells. During growth (16-22hpf), F-actin is found to localize to apicolateral junctions between cells. In addition, mediolateral cells relatively lose their F-actin signal levels compared to cells at the sensory poles.
Figure 6—video 2. Spatiotemporal dynamics of myosin II localization.
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DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39596.017
A 2D+time confocal movie of zebrafish otic development from 12 to 32 hpf using Tg(actb2:myl12.1-eGFP) embryos depict Myosin II localization dynamics. Myosin II localization is expectedly correlated with that of F-actin (Figure 6—video 1). Each frame has a spatial-sampling of 0.2µm with temporal-sampling of 2 min across frames.
Figure 6—video 3. Deformation of the inflated otic vesicle after treatment with cytochalasin D.
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DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39596.018
A 2D+time confocal movie of zebrafish otic vesicle was captured at 25 hpf using Tg(actb2:myl12.1-eGFP) embryos treated with 100μM of cytochalasin D drug. The vesicle is found to dramatically reduce Myosin II apical intensity levels and change its DV/LR dimensions compared to the AP dimension. The red lines indicate dimensions at the start of the movie for comparison. Each frame has a spatial-sampling of 0.2µm with temporal-sampling of 1 min across frames for a total of thirty minutes.
Figure 6—video 4. Vesicle fails to grow upon treatment with cytochalasin D drug at 20 hpf.
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DOI: 10.7554/eLife.39596.019
A 2D+time confocal movie of zebrafish otic vesicle was captured at 20 hpf using Tg(actb2:myl12.1-eGFP) embryos treated with 100 µM of cytochalasin D drug. The vesicle is found to dramatically reduce Myosin II apical intensity levels and growth is inhibited.