Fig. 4.
HPLC of KS 6 mer fractions and HPTLC of the derived NGLs and those of the synthetic 6 mers. A, SAX-HPLC of K'ase II-6 mer fraction; the inset is the further fractionation of the subfraction 1. Peaks 1–2 and 1–3 (mono-sulfated) were pooled and designated 1S. B, HPTLC of the NGLs of the 9 fractions indicated in A. C, PGC-HPLC of K'ase II-6(1S) fraction. D, HPTLC of the NGL reaction mixtures of the 2 fractions indicated in C. E, PGC-HPLC of K'ase II-6(2S) fraction; F, HPTLC of the NGLs of the 4 fractions indicated in E. G, PGC-HPLC of K'ase II-6d(1S) fraction; the inset is SAX-HPLC of products of partial desulfation of K'ase II-6(4S+5S+6S) fractions. H, HPTLC of the NGL of K'ase II-6(0S). I, HPTLC of the NGLs of the three pooled fractions indicated in G. J, HPTLC of the NGLs of the three synthetic 6 mers. The percentages in the panels indicate the solvent gradients used for HPLC. NGLs were revealed under UV light with long wavelength after staining with primulin. HPTLC chromatography was in solvent CHCl3:MeOH:H2O 60/35/8 (v/v/v), and the spaces between figures indicate that they were on separate chromatograms.