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. 2019 May 27;23(Suppl 2):183–193. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02537-1

Table 2.

Vulnerability among adolescent girls and young women by venue type, n = 800, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Bar, restaurant (n = 75) Hotel, hostel, guest house (n = 112) Broker house (n = 81) Street, market, transportation (n = 148) Factory, construction (n = 254) Special village (n = 33) Youth center (n = 67) Other (n = 30) Total (n = 800)
n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
Migrated into Addis 55 73.3 84 75.0 65 80.2 84 56.8 195 76.8 21 63.6 42 62.7 20 63.3 565 70.6
Migrated from
 City 10 17.9 17 20.2 13 20.0 23 27.4 25 12.8 3 14.3 4 9.5 5 26.3 100 17.7
 Town 9 16.1 21 25.0 22 33.8 25 29.8 50 25.5 9 42.9 22 52.4 3 15.8 161 28.4
 Rural area 36 65.5 46 54.8 30 46.2 36 42.9 121 61.7 9 42.9 16 38.1 11 57.9 305 53.9
Adult support
 Emotionally 12 16.0 17 15.2 10 12.3 26 17.6 44 17.4 10 30.3 11 16.4 7 23.3 137 17.2
 Financially 3 4.0 2 1.8 3 3.7 4 2.7 3 1.2 1 3.0 6 9.0 0 0.0 22 2.7
 Both 34 45.3 58 51.8 32 39.5 77 52.0 141 55.7 10 30.3 39 58.2 10 33.3 401 50.2
 Neither 26 34.7 35 31.3 36 44.4 41 27.7 65 25.7 12 36.4 11 16.4 13 43.3 239 29.9
Food insecurity
 None 62 82.7 98 87.5 56 69.1 115 77.7 209 82.6 23 69.7 53 79.1 18 60.0 634 79.3
 Yes, rarely 9 12.0 6 5.4 10 12.3 17 11.5 26 10.3 6 18.2 9 13.4 7 23.3 90 11.3
 Yes, sometimes or often 4 5.3 8 7.1 15 18.5 16 10.8 18 7.1 4 12.1 5 7.5 5 16.7 75 9.4
 Ever had sex 50 66.7 77 68.8 54 66.7 80 54.1 152 60.1 25 75.8 39 58.2 25 83.3 502 62.8
Age of Sexual debut
 < 15 years old 8 16.0 5 6.5 7 13.0 19 23.8 11 7.2 6 24.0 5 12.8 5 20.0 66 13.1
 15–18 years old 31 62.0 50 64.9 39 72.2 42 52.5 76 50.0 11 44.0 20 51.3 18 72.0 287 57.2
 > 18 years old 11 22.0 22 28.6 8 14.8 19 23.8 65 42.8 8 32.0 14 35.9 2 8.0 149 29.7
Condom use (vaginal)
 Never 10 27.8 25 39.7 23 57.5 37 52.9 77 68.8 7 35.0 12 40.0 3 15.8 194 49.7
 Inconsistent use 15 41.7 25 39.7 8 20.0 20 28.6 24 21.4 10 50.0 13 43.3 5 26.3 120 30.8
 Always 11 30.6 13 20.6 9 22.5 13 18.6 11 9.8 3 15.0 5 16.7 11 57.9 76 19.5
 Transactional sex (money or goods) 18 24.0 15 13.4 6 7.4 17 11.5 12 4.7 10 30.3 8 11.9 15 50.0 101 12.6
 Ever tested for HIV 56 74.7 82 73.2 52 64.2 90 60.8 168 66.4 31 93.9 50 74.6 24 80.0 553 69.2
 Symptoms of STI in prior year 11 14.5 10 8.9 2 2.5 6 4.1 15 5.9 6 18.2 6 9.0 6 20.0 62 7.8
 Ever experienced physical abuse 24 32.0 36 32.1 24 29.6 59 39.9 62 24.6 15 45.5 17 25.4 10 33.3 247 31.0
 Ever experienced sexual abuse 9 12.0 13 11.6 16 19.8 21 14.2 34 13.4 5 15.2 8 11.9 4 13.3 110 13.8
Alcohol consumption
 Never 33 44.0 54 48.2 51 63.0 90 60.8 168 66.4 17 51.5 31 46.3 12 40.0 456 57.1
 Once a week or less 25 33.3 32 28.6 25 30.9 42 28.4 77 30.0 10 30.3 26 38.8 13 43.3 249 31.2
 Twice or more per week 17 22.7 26 23.2 5 6.2 16 10.8 9 3.6 6 18.2 10 14.9 5 16.7 94 11.7