Figure 2.
Isoforms of Tspan6. (A) Top, cartoon illustrating the genomic sequence of Tspan6 as exons (white boxes) and introns (grey boxes). Exon numbering refers to the genomic sequence. From the genomic sequence, five different mRNAs derive. Here, exon numbering (green) refers to mRNA variant 1. Green boxes mark the open reading frame. Exon-skipping is indicated by leaving out the exon. When compared to splice variant 1, a shortened exon box indicates the use of an AS site. The green exon numbering is used for comparison of the respective mRNA variant 1 to the splice variants in Tab. 1. (B) Left, helical structural elements of Tspan6 predicted by Seigneuret et al.12. The cartoons of the isoforms only illustrate the alterations in the primary structure and are no predictions of the protein topology. TMS, transmembrane segment; SIL, small intracellular loop; SEL, small extracellular loop; LEL, large extracellular loop; α - ε, helices of the LEL. Dashed lines mark missing parts (filled white). The asterisk in isoform 3 marks the alternative C-terminus.