Activity of a corticotectal neuron (same as Fig.1B) recorded in the FEF during the pro-/anti-saccade paradigm. Activity in the left panelsis aligned on appearance of the eccentric stimulus (S on), and activity in the right panels is aligned on the beginning of the saccade (Saccade onset).A, Activity of the neuron on overlap trials when the stimulus was presented in its response field (RF, dashed circle) on pro-saccade trials (red) and anti-saccade trials (green). Eachdot indicates the time of an action potential, and eachrow represents one trial. The trials are sorted according to saccadic reaction times (indicated by vertical tickmarks). The bottom panel shows the average activation waveforms for pro-saccades (red, thick) and anti-saccades (green, thin).B, Same as in A but for stimulus presentations at the mirror position of the response field of the neuron. C, Same as in A but for the gap condition in which the FP disappeared 200 msec before stimulus appearance. D, Same as in C but for stimulus presentations at the mirror position of the response field of the neuron in the gap condition.