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. 2000 Feb 1;20(3):1142–1156. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.20-03-01142.2000

Table 2.

Strengtha and distribution of central CRF- or UCN-induced Fos expression relative to those of type 1 and type 2 CRF receptor mRNAs

CRF-R1 mRNA Fos-icv CRF CRF-R2 mRNA Fos-icv UCN
  II–III ++ +++ +
  IV +++ ++++ ++
  V + + ++
  VI ++ +++ + ++
  Claustrum ++ ++ + +
 Olfactory regions
  Main bulb
   Periglomerular layer ++ ++ +
   Mitral layer +++ ++ +
   Exterior plexiform layer ++ ++ +
   Granule cell layer +++ +++ ++ ++
  Anterior olfactory nucleus ++ ++ + +
  Olfactory tubercle ++ +++ + +
  Piriform cortex +++ +++ + ++
 Hippocampal formation
  Entorhinal area ++ ++ ++ ++
  Subiculum ++ + + ++
  Ammon's Horn ++ + + +/−
  Dentate gyrus ++ + + +
  Medial nucleus ++ ++ ++ ++
  Cortical nucleus (anterior/posterior) ++/+ ++/+ ++/+++ ++/+
  Central nucleus (lateral/medial) −/+ +++/+ −/− +++/+
  Lateral nucleus + +
  Basolateral nucleus +++ ++ +
  Lateral nucleus + ++ ++++ ++++
  Medial nucleus/nucleus diagonal band +++ +++ + ++
  Bed nucleus stria terminalis ++ ++ ++ ++
   Anteromedial part + + +
   Anterolateral part ++ ++ +
   Oval nucleus ++ +++
   Posterior part ++ ++ +++ ++
 Basal ganglia
  Caudoputamen +++ ++ +
  Globus pallidus ++ + +
  Substantia innominata ++ +
  Magnocellular preoptic nucleus +++ ++ + +
  Subthalamic nucleus +++ +++ +
  Substantia nigra
   Pars compacta +++ ++ +
   Pars reticulata ++ ++ +
  Ventral tegmental area ++ + +
  Anterior group + + +
  Midline group
   Paraventricular nucleus + ++ ++
   Nucleus Reuniens ++ ++ ++
  Intralaminar group + ++ ++
  Ventral group ++ ++ +
  Posterior complex ++ ++
  Reticular nucleus
  Medial geniculate nucleus (medial/lateral) ++/+ ++/++ −/− +/−
  Lateral geniculate nucleus (dorsal/ventral) ++/+++ ++/+++ −/− −/++
  Periventricular zone
   Suprachiasmatic nucleus + +
   Paraventricular nucleus
    Autonomic part + + +
    Parvicellular part ++ +++
    Magnocellular part + ++
   Anterior periventricular nucleus + +
   Arcuate nucleus ++ ++ + +
   Posterior periventricular nucleus + + + +
   Supraoptic nucleus + ++
  Medial zone
   Medial preoptic nucleus ++ ++ ++ ++
   Dorsomedial nucleus +++ +++ + ++
   Ventromedial nucleus + +++ ++
   Premammillary nucleus ++ ++ + +
   Supramammillary nucleus ++ +
  Lateral zone
   Lateral preoptic area + ++ +
   Lateral area + ++ + +
   Posterior area +++ +++ ++
   Superior colliculus ++ +++ +
   Olivary pretectal nucleus ++ + +
   Medial pretectal area ++ ++ + ++
   Mesencephalic nucleus V +++ + + +
   Principal sensory nucleus V +++ +++ +
   Spinal nucleus V +++ +++ +
   External cuneate nucleus ++++ +++ ++
   Cochlear nuclei ++ ++ +
   Lateral superior olive ++ +
   Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus +++ ++ +
   Inferior colliculus +++ +++ ++
  Vestibular ++ ++
   Medial ++ ++ +
   Lateral ++ ++ +
   Spinal +++ ++ ++
   Nucleus of the solitary tract + ++ ++ +++
   Parabrachial nucleus (lateral medial) +++/++ +++/+ −/− +++/+
  Oculomotor (III) + +
  Facial nucleus (VII) ++ ++ +
  Nucleus ambiguous (X) ++ + +
 Reticular core
  Periaqueductal gray + ++ ++
   Ventral tegmental nucleus ++ ++ ++
   Nucleus of the incertus ++++ ++++ ++++
   Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus ++++ +++ ++
   Locus coeruleus +++ ++++
   Dorsal raphé + +++ +++ +++
   Median raphé ++ + ++ ++
   Nucleus of the raphémagnus ++ ++ +
   Nucleus of the raphépallidus + ++ ++
   Nucleus of the raphéobscurus ++ + +
  Interpedunuclar nucleus ++ ++ ++ ++
  Reticular formation
   Pedunculopontine nucleus ++++ ++ ++
   Gigantocellular reticular field ++ + +++
   Ventrolateral medulla (A1/C1) −/+ ++/++ −/− ++/++
 Pre- and post-cerebellar
  Pontine gray ++++ +++ ++
  Lateral reticular nucleus ++++ +++ ++
  Red nucleus +++ ++
  Tegmental reticular nucleus ++ ++ ++
  Inferior olive ++ ++ +
 Deep nuclei +++ ++ +
  Purkinje layer ++ + +
  Molecular layer ++ ++ +
  Granule layer +++ +++ ++

The relative strength of the expression of each marker was rated by two independent observers without knowledge of the treatment status of the animals. Ratings reflect primarily the density of positively labeled cells, with (−) representing a complete lack of above-control levels of staining, (+) isolated positively labeled cells, and (++++) labeling in a substantial majority of all cells in a given cell group or field. Ratings separated by a slash (/) indicate those applicable to subregions of the particular cell group, as indicated at the left. Ratings of mRNA expression were adjusted secondarily on the basis of the strength of hybridization signal, but never by more than a single rating point. Ratings were based on analysis of complete series of sections through the brains of five rats that received icv injections of 1 μg CRF or UCN 2 hr before they were killed.