Relationship between the mean trait value of each genotype grown on high (HN) or low (LN) nitrate supply shown as a scatter plot (left), as a reaction norm plot (middle) and as a histogram of relative plasticity (right). The latter shows the “relative distance plasticity index” of [105], which varies between -1 and 1 and with zero indicating no plasticity. Genotypes plotted in red on the left panel show significant plastic responses to N, as assessed by a Wilcoxon rank-sum test (false discovery rate < 5%). There were none for flowering time. The reaction norm plots are coloured by the relative plasticity index of each genotype, with the corresponding colour scale shown along the x-axis of the respective histograms. (A, B) Data from 374 MAGIC lines. (C, D) Data from 297 natural accessions. All plants were scored at the 2-silique stage, with means from n = 4–8 replicates per line in each nitrate treatment (median n = 8). Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) is shown in each panel with the 95% confidence interval shown in brackets. The dashed line on the left panels is the identity line (x = y). Note the log-scale on the flowering time plots.