INCENP depletion inhibits NB cell growth in vitro.
A. Western blot analysis of INCENP knockdown efficiency in BE2C, NGP and SY5Y cells transfected with two different siRNAs targeting INCENP (#2: siINCENP-#2; #4: siINCENP-#4) and control siRNA (C: siCTRL) for 72 hr. B. The bright field pictures of BE2C, NGP and SY5Y cells at 72 hr (BE2C and NGP) or 96 hr (SY5Y) after siRNA transfection. Scale bars, 100 μm. C. The confluence analysis of siCTRL, siINCENP-#2 and #4 transfected BE2C, NGP and SY5Y cells in the IncuCyte ZOOM. The values of cell confluence at 96 hr is used for statistical analysis by standard two-tailed student’s t test (p1: siCTRL vs. siINCENP-2#; p2: siCTRL vs. siINCENP-4#). Bars show the average of three replicates ± SD. D. Live cell number counting of siCTRL, siINCENP-#2 and #4 transfected BE2C, NGP and SY5Y cells at 72 hr (BE2C and NGP) or 96 hr (SY5Y) post-transfection. Data is represented as mean ± SD of triplicates.