Genetic Inhibition of INCENP induces DNA damage response and apoptosis in NB cells.
A. Western blot analysis of DNA damage markers-pH2A.X and pCHK2 in BE2C, NGP and SY5Y cells transfected with two different siRNAs targeting INCENP (#2: siINCENP-#2; #4: siINCENP-#4) and control siRNA (C: siCTRL) for 48 hr. B. Quantification of the percentage of pH2A.X positive cells in each cell type based on the results of immunocytochemistry for DNA damage marker pH2A.X in BE2C, NGP and SY5Y cells transfected with siCTRL, siINCENP-#2 and siINCENP-#4 for 48 hr. Bars show the mean ± SD of triplicates. C. Caspase-3/7 activity assay was conducted to determine the activation of apoptosis in INCENP depleted BE2C (left), NGP (middle) and SY5Y (right) cells at 72 hr post transfection. Data represent mean ± SD of three replicates. D. Western blot analysis of INCENP knockdown efficiency, the activation of p53-p21 pathway and the upregulation of apoptosis markers including cleaved caspase-3/7 and cleaved PARP1 in BE2C (left), NGP (middle) and SY5Y (right) cells transfected with siRNAs targeting INCENP.